[Matplotlib-users] plot control
Sudheer Joseph
2017-04-19 15:47:46 UTC
Dear Experts.I have been trying to modify plot properties of taylor diagram from below package. I wanted to make markerfacecolor as None( this allows me to show symbols which falls over another) of s as possible in normal matplotlib plots but I am not sure how to pass the argument in modified figure environment of taylor plot. If I try to use markerfacecolor option the code says it do not know about such option. I was also checking it is possible specify alpha= n so that the color intensity of symbol can be modified. But both options are not working or I am not putting it in proper way in such situation.
Please advice if it is possible.Sudheer

sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd,ccoef,markerLabel=label,markerLegend = 'on',markerobs='v',markerfacecolor='None',s
   ...: tyleOBS='-',colOBS='r',titleobs='RAMA_SST')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-96eeafddc836> in <module>()
----> 1 sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd,ccoef,markerLabel=label,markerLegend = 'on',markerobs='v',markerfacecolor='None',styleOBS='-',colOBS='r',titleobs='RAMA_SST')

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/skill_metrics/taylor_diagram.pyc in taylor_diagram(*args, **kwargs)
     72     # Get options
---> 73     option = get_taylor_diagram_options(CORs,**kwargs)
     74 #    print option # debug
     75 #

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/skill_metrics/get_taylor_diagram_options.pyc in get_taylor_diagram_options(*args, **kwargs)
    177         optname = optname.lower()
    178         if not optname in option:
--> 179             raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
    180         else:
    181             # Replace option value with that from arguments

ValueError: Unrecognized option: markerfacecolor
 *************************************************************** Sudheer Joseph Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India POST BOX NO: 21, IDA Jeedeemetla P.O. Via Pragathi Nagar,Kukatpally, Hyderabad; Pin:5000 55 Tel:+91-40-23886047(O),Fax:+91-40-23895011(O), Tel:+91-40-23044600(R),Tel:+91-40-9440832534(Mobile) E-mail:***@gmail.com;***@yahoo.com Web- http://oppamthadathil.tripod.com ***************************************************************
Benjamin Root
2017-04-19 16:14:29 UTC
This would seem like a bug in that package's code. The traceback shows that
it is performing its own check on the passed in kwargs, and failing to
recognize it as a valid argument. I suggest contacting the maintainers of
the "skill_metrics" package and find out from them if there is a bug in
their package. I am unfamiliar with this package, so I can't say anything
for certain.

Ben Root
Post by Sudheer Joseph
Dear Experts.
I have been trying to modify plot properties of taylor diagram from below
package. I wanted to make markerfacecolor as None( this allows me to show
symbols which falls over another) of s as possible in normal matplotlib
plots but I am not sure how to pass the argument in modified figure
environment of taylor plot. If I try to use markerfacecolor option the code
says it do not know about such option. I was also checking it is possible
specify alpha= n so that the color intensity of symbol can be modified. But
both options are not working or I am not putting it in proper way in such
Please advice if it is possible.
sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd,ccoef,markerLabel=label,markerLegend =
...: tyleOBS='-',colOBS='r',titleobs='RAMA_SST')
ValueError Traceback (most recent call
<ipython-input-4-96eeafddc836> in <module>()
----> 1 sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd,ccoef,markerLabel=label,markerLegend
= 'on',markerobs='v',markerfacecolor='None',styleOBS='-',colOBS='r',
in taylor_diagram(*args, **kwargs)
72 # Get options
---> 73 option = get_taylor_diagram_options(CORs,**kwargs)
74 # print option # debug
75 #
in get_taylor_diagram_options(*args, **kwargs)
177 optname = optname.lower()
--> 179 raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
181 # Replace option value with that from arguments
ValueError: Unrecognized option: markerfacecolor
*************************************************************** Sudheer
Joseph Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ministry of
Earth Sciences, Govt. of India POST BOX NO: 21, IDA Jeedeemetla P.O. Via
Pragathi Nagar,Kukatpally, Hyderabad; Pin:5000 55 Tel:+91-40-23886047
<+91%2040%202388%206047>(O),Fax:+91-40-23895011 <+91%2040%202389%205011>(O),
Tel:+91-40-23044600 <+91%2040%202304%204600>(R),Tel:+91-40-9440832534(Mobile)
http://oppamthadathil.tripod.com ******************************
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Sudheer Joseph
2017-04-22 15:46:33 UTC
Thank you,                  I did contact them, but it appears he did not understand, the issue I was telling him. Then I thought it is my lack of expertise which made it not work.Sudheer
 *************************************************************** Sudheer Joseph Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India POST BOX NO: 21, IDA Jeedeemetla P.O. Via Pragathi Nagar,Kukatpally, Hyderabad; Pin:5000 55 Tel:+91-40-23886047(O),Fax:+91-40-23895011(O), Tel:+91-40-23044600(R),Tel:+91-40-9440832534(Mobile) E-mail:***@gmail.com;***@yahoo.com Web- http://oppamthadathil.tripod.com ***************************************************************

From: Benjamin Root <***@gmail.com>
To: Sudheer Joseph <***@yahoo.com>
Cc: Matplotlib Users <matplotlib-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wednesday, 19 April 2017 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] plot control

This would seem like a bug in that package's code. The traceback shows that it is performing its own check on the passed in kwargs, and failing to recognize it as a valid argument. I suggest contacting the maintainers of the "skill_metrics" package and find out from them if there is a bug in their package. I am unfamiliar with this package, so I can't say anything for certain.

Ben Root

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Sudheer Joseph <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Experts.I have been trying to modify plot properties of taylor diagram from below package. I wanted to make markerfacecolor as None( this allows me to show symbols which falls over another) of s as possible in normal matplotlib plots but I am not sure how to pass the argument in modified figure environment of taylor plot. If I try to use markerfacecolor option the code says it do not know about such option. I was also checking it is possible specify alpha= n so that the color intensity of symbol can be modified. But both options are not working or I am not putting it in proper way in such situation.
Please advice if it is possible.Sudheer

https://pypi.python.org/ packages/1e/98/ d6d5d9200fcec4fdbd20f0f084b6e4 1e176284786315449cc0c896a411e8 /SkillMetrics-1.1.2.tar.gz# md5= 7d5e7200375b1c5e1c4fb8344624be 67
sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd, ccoef,markerLabel=label, markerLegend = 'on',markerobs='v', markerfacecolor='None',s
   ...: tyleOBS='-',colOBS='r', titleobs='RAMA_SST')
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------
ValueError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-96eeafddc836> in <module>()
----> 1 sm.taylor_diagram(sdev,crmsd, ccoef,markerLabel=label, markerLegend = 'on',markerobs='v', markerfacecolor='None', styleOBS='-',colOBS='r', titleobs='RAMA_SST')

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist- packages/skill_metrics/taylor_ diagram.pyc in taylor_diagram(*args, **kwargs)
     72     # Get options
---> 73     option = get_taylor_diagram_options( CORs,**kwargs)
     74 #    print option # debug
     75 #

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist- packages/skill_metrics/get_ taylor_diagram_options.pyc in get_taylor_diagram_options(* args, **kwargs)
    177         optname = optname.lower()
    178         if not optname in option:
--> 179             raise ValueError('Unrecognized option: ' + optname)
    180         else:
    181             # Replace option value with that from arguments

ValueError: Unrecognized option: markerfacecolor
 ****************************** ****************************** *** Sudheer Joseph Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India POST BOX NO: 21, IDA Jeedeemetla P.O. Via Pragathi Nagar,Kukatpally, Hyderabad; Pin:5000 55 Tel:+91-40-23886047(O),Fax:+ 91-40-23895011(O), Tel:+91-40-23044600(R),Tel:+ 91-40-9440832534(Mobile) E-mail:***@gmail.com;sud ***@yahoo.com Web- http://oppamthadathil.tripod. com ****************************** ****************************** ***
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