Wow, that's fantastic Ben. Thanks so much for finding that, it's just
Post by Benjamin Root
|import matplotlib.pyplotas plt
import numpyas np
x= np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
y= np.sin(x)
dx= np.diff(x)
dy= np.diff(y)
x2= np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10)
y2= np.sin(x2)
dx= np.zeros_like(x2) + 1e-12
dy= np.sin(x2+dx) - y2
length= np.hypot(dx,dy)
dx/= length
dy/= length
fig, ax= plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, lw=4)
size= 20
ax.quiver(x2, y2, -dy, dx, headaxislength=size, headlength=size, headwidth=size, color="blue")
I don't know yet how to get rounded heads, though. Now I am looking to
see how the text box styles of "sawtooth" and "roundtooth" are handled
in the code to see if that could be exploited, instead.
Ben Root
Hmmm, this is actually an interesting problem. I am also a
meteorologist, so this is interesting to me.
2) The markevery property should be set to a float value to have
the markers spaced out evenly along the line regardless of aspect
ratios and zooming (note, this assumes that the line is defined
with many vertices to give a smooth appearance).
Using markers and markevery in a Line2D object has an inherent
limitation: all of the markers will be drawn in the same
orientation. So, we can't orient the markers along the normal of
the line.
Also, there is no pre-defined marker for half-circles, so this
approach wouldn't work well for warm-fronts/dry-lines/etc.
I'll have to see if a PolygonCollection + Line2D might be the
right approach here...
Ben Root
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Phil Cummins
I would like to plot "toothed" curves using basemap. These are
curves with triangles on one side, that are used to plot
pressure fronts in meteorology or thrust faults in geology.
You need to be able to say which side of the curve the
triangles should appear on. Does anyone know whether such
curves can be plotted using mtplotlib/basemap?
- Phil
Australian National University
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