Mark Bakker
2015-04-07 19:52:53 UTC
Hello list,
I want to axes above each other. They share the x-axis. The top figure has
'aspect=1' (it is a map), the bottom figure shows a cross-section along a
horizontal line on the map, so it doesn't have 'aspect=1'. When I do this
with code, for example like this:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,sharex=True)
plt.setp(axes[0], aspect=1.0, adjustable='box-forced')
then the physical size of the top axes is much sorter than the physical
size of the bottom axes (although they are poperly linked, as they have the
same data limit, and when zooming in the top figure, the bottom figure
adjusts). It just looks weird, as the size of the horizontal axis of the
bottom figure should have the same physical size as the horizontal axis of
the top figure. This used to be possible (a few years ago; haven't tried it
for a while). Is there a way to do it with the current matpotlib? (1.4.3)
I want to axes above each other. They share the x-axis. The top figure has
'aspect=1' (it is a map), the bottom figure shows a cross-section along a
horizontal line on the map, so it doesn't have 'aspect=1'. When I do this
with code, for example like this:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2,sharex=True)
plt.setp(axes[0], aspect=1.0, adjustable='box-forced')
then the physical size of the top axes is much sorter than the physical
size of the bottom axes (although they are poperly linked, as they have the
same data limit, and when zooming in the top figure, the bottom figure
adjusts). It just looks weird, as the size of the horizontal axis of the
bottom figure should have the same physical size as the horizontal axis of
the top figure. This used to be possible (a few years ago; haven't tried it
for a while). Is there a way to do it with the current matpotlib? (1.4.3)